. Membership – waad




Join WAAD today to enhance your professional training, connect to nationwide colleagues, access practical resources, and collaborate on initiatives. WAAD membership is open to Doctorate degree holders, Doctoral Candidates (ABD-All But Dissertation), and corporate organizations who share similar mission with WAAD. The Membership registration fee is as follows: Individual Regular Membership US$300, Individual Affiliate Membership US$150, and Corporate Membership, also known as corporate sustaining membership via sponsorships and contributions.

About WAAD Membership

World Association for Academic Doctors (WAAD) membership is open to any person who has graduated from accredited university with doctorate degree and interested in the fulfilment of the purposes of the Association and ready to abide by its constitution, bye-laws and code of conduct. The Governing Council officially grants this membership. Other corporation and research centers may be affiliated to the Association by the decision of the Governing Council.

Categories of Membership

Professional Membership

Professional Membership

Membership is available to academic doctors whose interests, activities, and/or background are consistent with the purposes of the Association. Regular Members shall have the right to participate in the Association’s meetings, activities, right to vote, or hold elective office in the Association.

Regular Eligibility Criteria

– Should be credible individual doctorate degree holders from any geographical region worldwide with a proof of doctorate certificate of an accredited awarding institution.

– Payment of one-time registration fee of ($150) USD.

Student Membership

Student Membership

Affiliate Membership is available to doctorate candidates who have completed their doctoral course work, but yet to complete their dissertation ABD’s (All But Dissertation). Affiliate Members shall have the right to participate in the Association’s meetings, activities, right to vote, but will not hold elective office in the Association. Upon certified proof of graduation, affiliate members shall become regular members without additional cost.

Affiliate Eligibility Criteria

– Eligible affiliate members are credible individual doctorate candidate from any geographical region worldwide yet to complete their doctoral dissertation.

– Must have proof of dissertation topic, proposal approval, and enrolled institution.

– Payment of one-time registration fee of ($100) USD.