. Founder & President’s Message – waad

Founder & President’s Message

Welcome to World Association for Academic Doctors (WAAD)

The quest for inclusiveness of global academic professionals’ in elevating quality education and research upstretched after Dr. Henrietta Okoro successfully founded and inaugurated the Association of Nigerian Women Academic Doctors (ANWAD).

To extend this opportunity globally, she also founded World Association for Academic Doctors (WAAD) in 2014. Her vision for WAAD is engrossed on initiative driven projects to harness full participation of members and volunteers in their respective communities.

Dr. Henrietta Okoro, an alumnus of Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA started out with the passion to provide solutions to global concerns and empower the ambitions many professional shares.

Many developing countries are experiencing leadership challenges and less resources for minorities, and the less privileged on quality education. Formation of WAAD tailors a platform resource for global challenge solutions and a think tank corner driven with project initiatives. The diversity of members’ specialties and professions allows positive impacts to global challenges.

Today, WAAD continues to offer highest quality in professional networking, mentoring, conferences, workshops, and other educational resources through world congress forums. Professionals who seek to foster initiatives, improve educational standards, and research are inspired. Our members enjoy strong network and professional developments.

Our communities enjoy generous benefits from initiative driven projects. Our government enjoys collaboration, flexibility, partnership, and boosting of national economy.

Globally, communities benefit from WAAD’s deep commitment to quality education, research, development, and advocacy for good governance and community stability.
I look forward to your collaboration, partnering, initiatives, and addition to WAAD’s success story.

Bon Appetit!

Dr. Henrietta Okoro

Founder & President